For a very long time, pho has been consid- ered a special gift from Hanoi to visitors from domestic and international visitors. Pho is de- licious, friendly, nutritious and available everywhere, but Hanoi pho is the best. It is only here that you can taste the most delicious and sophisticated pho. You can have pho all year round, for all meals, even at night when feeling hungry. According to gour- mets, pho bo chin (rice noodle soup with well-done beef) is the original pho of Hanoi. The most important part in pho is the stock made from simmering beef bones with different kinds of spices. The recipe for the clear and naturally sweet stock that boasts the smell of beef ...
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For a very long time, pho has been consid- ered a special gift from Hanoi to visitors from domestic and international visitors. Pho is de- licious, friendly, nutritious and available everywhere, but Hanoi pho is the best. It is only here that you can taste the most delicious and sophisticated pho. You can have pho all year round, for all meals, even at night when feeling hungry. According to gour- mets, pho bo chin (rice noodle soup with well-done beef) is the original pho of Hanoi. The most important part in pho is the stock made from simmering beef bones with different kinds of spices. The recipe for the clear and naturally sweet stock that boasts the smell of beef is kept secret. Rice noodles are made from high quality rice, spread thinly and cut into strips. Beef sir- loin or plate is used as the main ingredients. Scallion bulbs and leaves, coriander and water mint are sliced short and sprinkled on top. Black pepper, chilies, pep- per paste or lime juice are added before the dish is served, possibly with some fried breadsticks.
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