Pho xao is a variation of pho. The dish is prepared same way as pho, just without the addition of the broth to the rice noodles. Instead, rice noodles are stir-fried in fat liquid. Pho xao has a unique taste, is very delicious, nutritious and friendly. High-quality beef sirloin, shank or round is chosen to be stir-fried with rice noodles. The beef is sliced thinly, seasoned with salt and cooking oil for about 30 minutes, then stir-fried with rice 6 7 HANOI’S CUISINE HANOI’S CUISINE noodles, vegetables (mustard greens, celery, leek, carrots or onions), tomatoes and garlic. At least two pans are used, one for stir-fry- ing if making the soft type of pho xao and the other for frying ...
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Pho xao is a variation of pho. The dish is prepared same way as pho, just without the addition of the broth to the rice noodles. Instead, rice noodles are stir-fried in fat liquid. Pho xao has a unique taste, is very delicious, nutritious and friendly. High-quality beef sirloin, shank or round is chosen to be stir-fried with rice noodles. The beef is sliced thinly, seasoned with salt and cooking oil for about 30 minutes, then stir-fried with rice 6 7 HANOI’S CUISINE HANOI’S CUISINE noodles, vegetables (mustard greens, celery, leek, carrots or onions), tomatoes and garlic. At least two pans are used, one for stir-fry- ing if making the soft type of pho xao and the other for frying if making the crispy type. After garlic has been sautéed, the beef is added to the pan and stir- fried before transferred to a bowl. Vegetables are stir-fried with tomatoes until done before the beef and scallions bulbs are added and stir-fried togeth- er. In a deep plate, the rice noodles are placed at the bottom, then the beef and vegetables. A sauce is added on top of, completing the dish of various colors and flavors. Pho xao is served with herbs or pickles, mixed well before served. Adding pepper paste, soy sauce, vinegar with garlic, or fish sauce is op- tional.
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